扶老人风险基金 risk fund for those who help the elderly
扶老人风险基金 risk fund for those who help the elderly
A charity organization in Shenyang, Liaoning, established the country's first risk fund for those kind-hearted people who fall into trouble after going to the assistance of a senior citizen.
近年来,好心人向老人伸出援手(good Samaritans go to the aid of an elderly person)却被诬陷为致使老人出事的罪魁祸首,结果反遭起诉索赔(be sued for compensation)的事件屡见报端。老人向好心人讹钱的可耻行为(scandalous behavior of elderly people extorting money from good Samaritans)给社会带来了极其不良的影响,使人们不再愿意帮助他人(make people reluctant to help others)。
如今,"扶老人风险基金(risk fund for those who help the elderly)"能为搀扶者提供良好的保护,该基金旨在鼓励大众向那些需要帮助的人伸出援手(encourage the public to extend a helping hand to people in need)。首期基金(initial fund)金额为20万元,基金时效至2020年底。任何遇上麻烦的"扶老人者"均可拨打热线电话(call the hotline),该慈善组织将派工作人员为好心人进行调查取证(investigate the incident and collect evidence),并无偿提供法律援助(provide free legal aid)、医药费(medical expense)垫付和代为赔偿服务,为搀扶老人带来的风险兜底。
专家表示,尽管人们对第三方保护措施表示欢迎,全社会都应培养责任感和诚信意识(the whole society should cultivate a sense of duty and integrity),避免冤枉好心人(avoid doing wrong to good Samaritans)。此外,政府还应完善相关法律法规(laws and regulations should be improved),以保护那些乐于伸出援手的搀扶者。